

Muhammad Faiz Barchia


Yields of oil palm are related to nutrients in plant, and the content indicates how optimum of the nutrients for the plant growth. The nutrient content in plant could be used as guidelines for fertilizer application. The yields of the oil palm were classified into three groups; low yields were the weight of 12.91 + 3.5 kg fruit-bunch-1, moderate weights with 19.92 + 3.5 kg fruit-bunch-1, and high yields with weight of 26.93+ 3.5 kg fruit-bunch-1. N uptake was related to the yields of oil palm as an equation :
N = -0.0063(TBS)2 + 0.3445(TBS) - 1.8168, (R2 = 0.865). Optimum yield of the palm based on dN/d(TBS) = 0, namely; 27.3 kg fruit-bunch-1. Furthermore, the weight of fruit bunch based on N uptake: TBS = -20.851N2 + 102.17N - 93.648, (R2 = 0.919). N uptake based on d(TBS)/dN = 0, was 2.45 %.
P uptake relating to the yield of the palm such as an equation :
P = 3E-05(TBS)2 + 0.0029(TBS) + 0.0328, (R2 = 0.8992), and the yield based on dP/d(TBS) = 0, was 48.3 kg fruit-bunch -1. Also, the weight of the fruit bunch based on P uptake as follow : TBS = 371.28P2 + 126.96P + 2.0332, (R2 = 0.8991), and P uptake related to d(TBS)/dP = 0, was 0.17 %. Absorption of P nutrient by the oil palm was low as much as the level of deficiency values for plant growth.
K absorption by the oil palm for the growth was as :
K= -2E-05(TBS)2 + 0.0012(TBS) + 0.0054, (R2 = 0.8888), and the TBS yield based on dK/d(TBS) = 0, was the weight of 30.0 kg fruit-bunch-1. At the same time, the TBS yield as followed: TBS = 527630K2 – 17723K + 161.43, (R2 = 0.8402), and based on the equation and d(TBS)/dK = 0, the K uptake was 0.0168%. K absorption was very low and the values in the range of deficiency level for the optimum plant growth. In order to improve the oil palm productivities, fertilizers application should be manage in the range of optimum level.

Keywords : N, P, K uptake, nutrient deficiencies, yield of oil palm


Produksi kelapa sawit pada tanah mineral masam di Indonesia jauh di bawah potensi genetik dan kesesuaian lahannya (Koedadiri, dkk. 1997). Potensi produksi kelapa sawit pada tanah mineral masam di beberapa kebun di Kalimantan Barat baru mencapai 61% dan Kalimantan Timur 63% sedangkan di Riau baru mencapai 63% dan Sumatera Utara 77% terhadap standar potensi lahan kelas S-3, (Poeloengan, dkk. 1998). Rendahnya produksi ini berkaitan dengan tingkat pengelolaan pupuk dan ketersediaan hara tanaman yang tidak optimal. Hasil buah kelapa sawit sangat dipengaruhi oleh unsur hara yang terkandung di dalam tanaman, diatara unsur hara yang paling berpengaruh adalah unsur hara nitrogen, fosfor, dan kalium (Sutedjo, 1992).
Besarnya unsur hara yang diperlukan dan terdapat pada tanaman kelapa sawit berkaitan erat dengan besarnya unsur hara yang terdapat pada buah pada saat panen. Pada tingkat produksi 25 ton TBS ha-1 tahun-1, unsur hara yang terangkut bersama TBS sebesar 73.2 kg N, 11.6 kg P, dan 93 kg K ha-1 tahun-1 (Sukardji, dkk. 2000). Produksi buah kelapa sawit berhubungan dengan unsur hara yang terdapat pada tanaman itu sendiri, serta dapat menjadi indikator kondisi unsur hara yang terdapat pada tanaman. Produksi tanda buah segar kelapa sawit yang mengandung unsur hara N sebesar 1.09%, P sebesar 0.015%, dan K sebesar 0.02% selama masa panen 13 tahun menunjukkan rata-rata hasil sebesar 15.7 ton TBS ha-1tahun-1 (Pangudijatno, 1987). Tanaman kelapa sawit pada fase produktif dapat menyerap hara sebesar 192.0 kg N, 26 kg P, 251 kg K, 89,3 kg Ca, dan 61, 3 kg Mg kg ha-1th-1, dan yang terangkut oleh hasil panen keluar dari areal kebun sebesar 73.2 kg N, 11.6 kg P, 93 kg K, 19.5 kg Ca, 20.8 kg Mg (Ng dan Cheong, 1985). Tingkat kandungan unsur hara tanaman perlu diketahui sebelum melakukan pemupukan.
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Muhammad Faiz Barchia


The aim of this research to know stability of soil Ca, Mg, CEC, and yield of oil palm planted on acid mineral soil in Bengkulu with different slopping lands. The research was conducted on an oil palm estate in Putri Hijau, Bengkulu on September to December 2005. The estate lies on 75 m above sea level with rain of 3.027 mm yr-1, and physiographic of waving to hilly topographic, 0 – 45%. Area of the research was used 350 Ha.
Yield of oil palm was quite related to land slops in which fruit bunch weight (FBW) of the oil palm decreased with increase the land slops following linear equation; FBW = - 0.4279 (L) + 25.156 ; R2 = 0.8264. Soil Ca were stable in slopping land of 0 – 15% as next equation Soil-Ca = - 0.02 (L) + 2.9302; R2 = 0.1577; however, the soil Ca stability decreased with slops over 15% as equation, soil-Ca = - 0.1098 (L) + 7.3847; R2 = 0.8122. Likes soil-Ca, stability of soil Mg was high on the slops 0 – 15% as follow; soil-Mg = 0.0002 (L) + 0.3328; R2 = 0.001, but decreased in the soil with slops > 15%; following equation, soil-Mg = 0.0134 (L) + 0.9059; R2 = 0.7231. Stability of soil CEC relatively low on the slops of 0 -15%, likes follow; soil-CEC = - 0.0965 (L) + 5.1258; R2 = 0.3231, and unstable in the soil with slops of > 15%, as a next equation, soil-CEC = - 0.1193 (L) + 9.3062; R2 = 0.8805. The stabilities of plant nutrients in the soil with different slops affected level of oil palm yields in which on the slops of 0 – 8%, the FBW was means of 23.3 tons ha-1, relatively equal to yields of the FBW on >8 – 15% slops, namely about 22.4 tons ha-1; however, the FBW decreased sharply on the slops of > 15 – 30% with weight of 14.3 tons ha-1, oil palm productivity went down significantly on slops of .>30%, 9.8 tons ha-1. Expansion of oil palm estates on slopping lands with acid mineral soils should be based on conservation methods following environment view points.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stabilitas Ca, Mg, KTK tanah dan hasil kelapa sawit pada lahan berlereng di tanah mineral masam Bengkulu. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di salah satu perkebunan kelapa sawit dalam wilayah Kecamatan Putri Hijau, Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara dari bulan September-Desember 2005. Lokasi penelitian terletak pada ketinggian sekitar 75 m dpl, topografi bergelombang sampai dengan berbukit, 0-45%, curah hujan rata-rata 3.027 mm tahun-1. Luas lahan penelitian 350 Ha.
Hasil sawit sangat ditentukan oleh kemiringan lereng dimana berat tandan buah segar menurun dengan semakin meningkatnya kelerengan dengan persamaan linear TBS = - 0.4279 (L) + 25.156 ; R2 = 0.8264. Ca tanah relatif stabil pada kelerengan 0 – 15% seperti persamaan Ca Tanah = - 0.02 (L) + 2.9302 ; R2 = 0.1577, tetapi kestabilannya sangat menurun pada lereng > 15% seperti persamaan Ca Tanah = - 0.1098 (L) + 7.3847; R2 = 0.8122. Juga stabilitas Mg tanah sangat tinggi pada kelerengan 0 – 15% seperti persamaan Mg Tanah = 0.0002 (L) + 0.3328; R2 = 0.001, dan menurun pada kemiringan > 15% seperti persamaan Mg Tanah = 0.0134 (L) + 0.9059; R2 = 0.7231. Stabilitas KTK tanah kurang stabil pada lereng 0 -15% seperti persamaan KTK Tanah = - 0.0965 (L) + 5.1258; R2 = 0.3231 pada lereng 0 – 15%, dan menurun tajam kestabilannya pada kelerengan > 15% seperti persamaan KTK Tanah = - 0.1193 (L) + 9.3062; R2 = 0.8805. Kestabilan hara tanah yang dipengaruhi kelerengan lahan akan menentukan tingkat hasil sawit dimana pada kelerengan 0 – 8%, berat TBS rata-rata 23.3 ton ha-1, dan hampir sama pada kelerengan >8 – 15% yaitu 22.4 ton ha-1, tetapi menurun tajam pada kelerengan > 15 – 30% dengan berat TBS, 14.3 ton ha-1, produktivitas lahan sangat rendah pada kemiringan .>30%, yaitu rata-rata 9.8 ton ha-1. Pengembangan lahan kelapa sawit pada lahan berlereng harus memperhatikan azas konservasi.

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